Monday, October 29, 2012

Appointments and Chemo and PICC lines! Oh My!

So today was a pretty busy day, as every other day seems to be lately. Not only did Sophia have her appointment at the hospital but so did I for baby #2, almost back to back appointments. I am one tired momma right about now!

Sophia has happily completed 2 phases of treatment and is well on her way to recovery. Our prayers are still for no complications along the way as this will set her back and prolong treatment. So far she's responded really well to everything. She began her last phase of treatment today and Lord willing that everything goes well she should finish in 2 years, approx. 22 months left. This last phase is broken down into several phases and right now she started intermaintenance phase 1 which consists of her only going to the hospital every 11 days for 2 months. I'm really happy we don't have to be going every week. So every 11 days we'll be at the hospital where she'll be receiving chemo. The difference this time is the chemo she use to get in the spinal tap (methotrexate) will now be given to her through her picc line, this may cause her to get mouth sores where getting it through the spinal tap wouldn't do that to her and it may also not happen, so we are praying this doesn't happen as I am sure it is pretty painful but every 11 days her chemo dosage will go up making the chances of her getting those sores greater. I believe once this phase is over (2 months) she should get her picc line out and then start her next phase which she would only be going in once a month and getting chemo through an IV line. This will hapen if all goes well with her picc line, or else she'd have to get a port which is an internal catheter. Her doctor likes to work with picc lines and I am glad becasue that means for a port to go internally she'd have to have a surgery to place it in and a seperate surgery for it to come out which would leave her with a scar but if it has to happen then it happens but I really dont mind the picc line and she doesn't either. She helps me clean it everyday and flush it. She's got this whole routine down and is becoming an expert at it :) I am also happy that she will not be on any new meds as of now so that makes the daily routine seem less then it used to be. I can't believe how far we've come, it seems forever right about now but we still got lots to go through. So for now we're on an 11 day hospital cycle and anxiously awaiting baby #2! God is so good, so good!
 Love Love Love her sweet little big smile here!

Friday, October 12, 2012

The New Normal

The new normal is all about our life with Sophia and how things are going back to normal; a new normal. I finally feel like this new routine we have for Sophia of doctor visits, clinic visits, procedures, chemo, picc line flushes, medicine taking, unplanned ER visit, and hair loss shock is all starting to feel like this is how life has always been. I can't forget to mention all the doctor visits I have of my own for baby #2, you should see my calander; can you say Bbuussyy. It's a little overwhelming if you think about it as a whole but once broken down into times, days, and help from family it's not that bad, it's a lot to deal with at times especially when a doctors visit that's suppose to be 5 hours turns into 10 hours :( ugh 5 hours is already a lot but overall it's not that bad. We feel like her hair is coming back little by little and the weight is shedding off pretty fast too although we are now practically begging her to eat instead of trying to not let her eat so much. What a difference a week makes and new meds. She is now walking on her own again, she's still not all running around but she sure tries. She went from not walking for 3 weeks to army crawling around the house to holding onto someone to walk and now little miss independant is all on her own again. She is one determined little girl. It's so cute to see her with her cousin, who motivate her so much, running around the house as she tries to catch up, she loves them and I love that they have such a big part in her life. I feel like I'm getting my little girl back and then some. I feel like she's even more silly then before and her talking has gotten so much clearer. Her words sound like my words and everything her dad and I say shes gotta repeat it too. Before cancer life was always changing and we were always adjusting to whatever life threw our way, the good and the bad, so when cancer was thrown our way I thought we would never adjust but God is proving Himself more and more to us that things are going to be okay and He has put a peace in our hearts where we are comfortable with life and everthing it has to offer for now. We are adjusted to this new life He has laid before us. Now when baby #2 comes that might be a new story but I'm sure with time we will have an all new normal, a new life with 4, and a new road to go down. As always we will continue to trust God every step of the way and We are still so thankful for the continued prayers and support from all over :)
My sleeping Beauty!
Trying to ride her cousins bike. 
A sweet smile :)
 and off she goes!