Monday, September 23, 2013

Alex's Lemonade Stand

This past Saturday September 21st my friend Susie and I, along with the help of family and friends, hosted an Alex's Lemonade Stand. It was a Strawberry Shortcake Lemonade Stand. The day turned out beautiful and people came on by from all over all day. It was extra special to see friends who came from super far. It was touching to hear other people that also had a cancer story and it was comforting to see weren't alone in our journey. The total funds that were raised for childhood cancer research is $463.11 The goal was $100 and we surpassed that!!!  A big big thank you to all my neighbors, friends of both Susie and I, friends of friends, and kind strangers who stopped by and donated all sorts of amounts to research. I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted to but here are several that were captured.
 Some of the kind people who donated

Lemonade. Strawberry Wafers. Strawberry Lemonade

 Some of the signs we had displayed on the street /table

 The table goodies. (Cookies were gone)

I will be participating in more fundraisers coming up so be on the lookout for more ways you can help raise funds for Childhood Cancer Research and thank you again to everyone who helped spread the word about this stand!